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PlayStation Network is coming back online. The outage has been an annoyance to me, but not fatal. I don't play any online-only or primarily-online games. Having thus admitted my bias, let me say everyone is blowing this WAY out of proportion. Corporate databases get hacked all the time and credit card numbers get stolen all the time.

First, your name and address might have been "stolen." It's hard to call copying public information that's in the phone book and about 100 other places "theft."

Second, your credit card number, though encrypted, might have been stolen. If you don't want your CC number stolen, don't use credit cards. I've had mine stolen before. The bank called me as soon as they detected a possibly fraudulent charge and I verified I had not made that charge and the bank canceled the number and sent me new cards. Annoying, yes. Costly, no. If you are using credit, online or offline, your credit is always at risk. Bank with a reputable company that offers fraud detection. Keep on eye on your charges at all time (easily done with an online account). If you're really paranoid, don't use credit, use cash to buy gift cards and use those.

Third, your email address and password may be at risk. This is actually the most damaging information in the PSN database, and for one simple reason—most people use the same email address or username and password for every online account they have. If that's you, then maybe we should all blame you? See, blaming the victim is not the answer.

Blaming Sony is like blaming the victim of a robbery because they didn't use strong enough deadbolts on their doors or put iron bars over their windows. Sony is also being blamed for "inviting" the attacks by suing George Hotz. Again, that's like blaming an assault victim because he insulted his attacker. Retaliation is not self-defense and what the hackers attacking Sony have done is criminal. They are the only ones to blame, not Sony.

Was this a problem? Yes. Is Sony to blame? No more than any other victim of a crime. All of us who subscribe to PSN are also victims. I hope they catch the jerks who did this. Then we can watch the haters hate on them.

I'll buy the popcorn.