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My younger son has an online persona called SheepEtiquette. He wanted some type of ovine player, so I created Warsheep. This is not wholly original. I scoured the Web for a while looking for ideas, and incorporated some things I found in various places. The seed idea comes from Dragon #300, which introduced weresheep. I post it here in case you find it useful for your own game, either as is or inspiration for your own custom character.

A Warsheep is both a race and a class.


Warsheep are Medium creatures, mostly human in appearance, with wooly white or gray hair all over their bodies and two horns sticking out of their heads. Both male and female Warsheep have horns. Warsheep have the following innate characteristics:

  • Constitution +2
  • Always have Disadvantage on Wisdom checks
  • Always have Advantage on Charisma checks
  • Unarmed attack: Head Butt, 1d8 bludgeoning + 1d4 piercing + STR bonus for damage, Proficiency bonus + 2 + DEX for attack roll, can only be used against Medium or Large opponents, DC 10 + CON bonus saving throw or Warsheep is stunned by own attack (add +5 to DC against solid metal armors)
  • Warsheep suffer -2 attack against any type of wolf.
  • Warsheep can cast “Charm Person” as a Bard of the same level the same number of times per day as the Bard can cast 1st level spells.


Use the Barbarian as the class for Warsheep with the following changes:

  • Must follow the Path of the Totem Warrior and the totem animal must be a sheep. Use the “Bear” template for totem animal abilities with the exception that, while raging, Warsheep also have resistance to psychic damage.
  • While raging, Warsheep are affected by Tasty, a condition in which carnivorous or omnivorous foes are attracted to the Warsheep. Unless actively engaged in melee with another character, the foe will attack the Warsheep at a -2 for attack, but +2 for damage. Tasty affect is -3/+3 at 9th Warsheep level, and -4/+4 at 16th Warsheep level.
  • At 2nd level, Warsheep gain the Fluffy Comfort ability. This ability works exactly like the “Song of Rest” ability for a Bard of the same level. This ability only works for companions that can physically rest against the Warsheep during the resting period.
  • Warsheep cannot multiclass.