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My newest Betty Sterling novel, "The Long-Lost Troll," is now available!

longlosttrollcoverBetty Sterling is a common thug with a chip on his shoulder—not surprising since his name is “Beatrice.” When Betty is sent to shut down a potions ring, he ends up traveling to the Troll homeland and comes face-to-gaping maw with a dragon. And that's only the beginning! Join Betty, Lilahh, Jewels, Sam, and others as they get to the bottom of a hostile takeover unlike any that has been tried before.

You can purchase it in digital or print format from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Want a signed copy? Check out my list of upcoming events in central Virginia and central Florida!

Early reviews are a hit!

The world blends the rich tapestries of places imagined by the likes of Tolkien and Rowling into a whole new dimension. Even if you normally do not read sci-fi books about magic, and ogres, and men named Betty, the story draws you in from the very first.

Because the story just picks up and goes, it hooks you in and you once again become enthralled in the world Mr. Will has created.